Sunday 15 June 2014

Burp rotten eggs

Burp rotten eggs

Burp rotten eggs - the medical term

Burp rotten eggs - is an established expression that doctors use to describe a condition in which the oral cavity are emitted gases with an admixture of hydrogen sulfide from the gastrointestinal tract. This component gives the characteristic odor belching "rotten eggs." In fact, here triggered analogy - at protuhanii egg protein breakdown occurs with the formation of hydrogen sulfide, such as putrefaction phenomenon may occur in the stomach. 

Causes of burping rotten eggs

It is obvious that in a normally acidic environment of the stomach may not be protein putrefaction. This is possible only with a marked decrease in the acidity of gastric contents. For example, this happens when hypoacid gastritis when chronic inflammation of the stomach mucosa results in atrophy and reduced secretory functions. Such conditions and disorders are often accompanied by a chair - liquid diarrhea. 

Diagnosing the cause of burping rotten eggs

The appearance of this symptom is always evidence of serious violations of the digestive system. So do not put off a visit to the gastroenterologist, experiencing the numerous facilities offered by traditional medicine.
To start conducted comprehensive diagnosis, which is an important part of the endoscopic examination of the stomach. When this selection is made ​​punctures mucosal microscopic analysis which helps to accurately diagnose the cause and stage of disease. Perhaps a radiological  or radioisotope studies.
Atrophic gastritis is important to differentiate from cancer lesions of the stomach. 

Treatment burp rotten eggs

Obviously, the treatment should not apply to the symptom, by itself, a disease that causes it. Upon detection hypoacid (atrophic) gastritis patient appoint a special diet. Medications that can be prescribed to the patient, are designed to reduce inflammation, correct state mucosal restore normal gastric acidity, gastric motor function walls.
It is a long and hard process, the success of which depends equally on the qualifications of the doctor and of the patient's care and accuracy. If you'd like to check the effectiveness of one of the popular recipes - ask an expert's opinion. If the use of decoctions, vegetable juices or other means will not cause harm to your condition, the doctor, for sure, will allow a supportive therapy. 

Reviews burping rotten eggs

Judging by the clip on the Internet, a lot of people are faced with a similar problem. And, of course, they are in no hurry to go to the doctor, and prefer to use the experience of others. By the way, it is important to realize that most of those who give advice on the treatment of a wide range of diseases - have no idea of ​​any of the mechanisms of their origin or of their treatment principles ... These people can not be called literate even in the most general sense of the word, because they are completely shamelessly invade the sphere of so serious as health, without thinking about the consequences.
For example, give advice to drink goat's milk - a product with a high content of fat and protein. Thus, instead of restoring the normal function of the stomach, the man finally "loads" its impossible "work"! Another "method of treatment" - take clove essential oil on sugar. That is, simply drown halitosis aroma of cloves. A pathological processes in the stomach, continue to undermine human health.
So, before heading out to the winds - to assess the severity of the consequences that you will encounter it, not the anonymous who advised you to "miracle cure."

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